Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The tree...

While Grace is pefectly happy just looking at it...

Katie loves pulling the skirt out from under it

at least a dozen times a day.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tis the Season

To put up decorations...
FaLaLaLaLa... LaLaLaLa
My nativity

My santa

My snow friends

My misc...
(of course my golf trophies had to stay)

My tree

Our stockings
(still need to buy one for Katie)
My card wreath
(no cards yet)

My Christmas Counter

and My angel

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Safe to say Nathan is better.

And so is everyone else. At least for now.
Just how much better is Nathan....?

You be the judge....
I'm sure he'll want to kill me when
he sees that I blogged this pic I took
earlier, but that's what he gets
for making fun of me.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I really, really want everyone to be well...

NOW! I am so tired of it. Nathan's got it again, and he's just so much worse than the kids when they're sick. I think Grace might actually have better attempts at making it to the bathroom than him. Ok, well it's not that bad, but it almost is. I never thought I would see the day that I, who by the way am totally a puke phobic, would clean up after a grown man. Children are easy, but not grown ups... Anyway maybe they'll all be well soon. I'm really tired of it. I hope and pray no-one else we know ends up with this virus in their family. It is truly AWFUL.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas Trees

I cannot believe how many people I talk to that already have their trees up! I guess I'm just a slacker. I will probably put mine up next week, but only in the spirit of bowing to peer pressure. Growing up the tree was never to be put up until the day after Thanksgiving. It feels somewhat rebelious to put it up before then. Like I'm breaking some unwritten rule. :0)

Friday, November 7, 2008

It's amazing

..just how well these two get along at times!
One of the cute moments I caught with my camera phone.
I think I want for a digital camera every day.