Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yummy Afternoon Craft

Grace and I spent the afternoon decorating this lovely
little house of gingerbread. It was a very sticky ordeal.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday Pictures

and I actually survived! I did this today on zero
sleep after being called into work last night.
I knew it would be impossible to change the
appointment this close to Christmas.
Grace and Katie



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The tree...

While Grace is pefectly happy just looking at it...

Katie loves pulling the skirt out from under it

at least a dozen times a day.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tis the Season

To put up decorations...
FaLaLaLaLa... LaLaLaLa
My nativity

My santa

My snow friends

My misc...
(of course my golf trophies had to stay)

My tree

Our stockings
(still need to buy one for Katie)
My card wreath
(no cards yet)

My Christmas Counter

and My angel

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Safe to say Nathan is better.

And so is everyone else. At least for now.
Just how much better is Nathan....?

You be the judge....
I'm sure he'll want to kill me when
he sees that I blogged this pic I took
earlier, but that's what he gets
for making fun of me.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I really, really want everyone to be well...

NOW! I am so tired of it. Nathan's got it again, and he's just so much worse than the kids when they're sick. I think Grace might actually have better attempts at making it to the bathroom than him. Ok, well it's not that bad, but it almost is. I never thought I would see the day that I, who by the way am totally a puke phobic, would clean up after a grown man. Children are easy, but not grown ups... Anyway maybe they'll all be well soon. I'm really tired of it. I hope and pray no-one else we know ends up with this virus in their family. It is truly AWFUL.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas Trees

I cannot believe how many people I talk to that already have their trees up! I guess I'm just a slacker. I will probably put mine up next week, but only in the spirit of bowing to peer pressure. Growing up the tree was never to be put up until the day after Thanksgiving. It feels somewhat rebelious to put it up before then. Like I'm breaking some unwritten rule. :0)

Friday, November 7, 2008

It's amazing

..just how well these two get along at times!
One of the cute moments I caught with my camera phone.
I think I want for a digital camera every day.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


That is precisely what I gather Katie is saying to me as she turns
to pose for this picture I took of her a few minutes ago.
I left the room for a moment to put lunch in the oven, and
when I return I find Katie here. Obviously this isn't where I
left her. I left her clear on the other side of the room.

Movin' and Groovin' Katie

Monday, October 27, 2008

When I want her to sleep in she won't!

But when I NEED her to get up at a reasonable time...

this is how I find her.
Then of course I have to be a "mean" mommy and make her get up.
It was after 8am, by the way. It's not like it was her usual 7am.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Time to build...

Grace loves to build...
When the legos were first dumped out...

After the building is complete.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I think it's about time...

I make another post. Don't you? I can't sign in at work anymore, and that's just about the only time I get enough access to a computer to do this. However, I woke up early today, and mom still has the girls, so....
Nathan decided to tell me last night that he wants to make our "tv" room the bedroom and our bedroom the "family" room last night. I spent all of last night, and most of my awake time today trying to figure out what color I'll repaint the bedrrom so it will go with that lovely scarlet furniture. It will no longer be in an ohio state themed room, so I might just go with a tan similar to what's in the living room. Oh, and our bedroom will just be Ohio State themed... lol. How romantic! @@

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not a big Halloween fan, but...

I can never resist dressing up the girls and
letting them get free candy!
These are this years costomes.
Grace as a princess

Katie is a flower

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

bath time

Not enough time in a day

I'd love to post more, but with only one computer and a game hungry husband, there's just not time. I feel guilty when I take the time. I will try to post when I can though. Check in soon, I hope.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I had to post this!

Nathan NEVER does these kinds of things, EVER!!!
So, I being the crazy person I am took full advantage of him
saying we would do "wahtever I wanted" for my birthday!
Nothing like photo evidence, eh? I had a wonderful birthday!
Even got a call from Regina and her beautiful kids singing
Happy Birthday to me! That took the cake, by the way!

Friday, October 10, 2008

So much fun!!!

I love it when I get to just play with the kids all day! The laundry's pretty much caught up, I cleaned yesterday, so other than eating, feeding, and picking up the toys afterwards... It's a play day! At least until I go into work later. ~lol~ So, why am I on here? Katie's napping, and Grace is having snack. I will soon be playing again. I love days like these!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reason not to leave a 3year old alone for 2 hours...

This is not what you think, it's worse. Grace dumped an entire bottle of Huggies baby lotion on the chair in Nathan's Buckeye room and rubbed it in. Nice, huh. Now you probably want to know where I was, right? I went out with a friend for a little bit. Oh, and Nathan was glued to his "pirate" game on the computer. Thank God for Rug Doctor. I think I've pretty much gotten it out. These moments make me re-think ever taking a "mommy-break."

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ok, ok, ok, I'm getting up....

Yawn... Stretch. Ugh, I really dislike the last day that I've worked because I try not to let myself "oversleep." I want to sleep some so that I can be somewhat coherent for the daily activities that always have to be performed. So today I went to bed at 10am and am now up at 2pm. I can't wait to crawl in bed again tonight. I really miss having a warm body next to me, as obviously I sleep alone when I sleep during the day. Shockingly enough, Nathan even complains that he misses me. Didn't think there would ever come a day... and can't wait for the night. lol
This is exactly what I feel like this very moment!! lol

So tired...

This is my last night of six straight midnight shifts at the hospital. I want to go to sleep so badly. I guess it's a REALLY good thing there aren't any windows in this prison known affectionately around the hospital as "PBX."