Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas Trees

I cannot believe how many people I talk to that already have their trees up! I guess I'm just a slacker. I will probably put mine up next week, but only in the spirit of bowing to peer pressure. Growing up the tree was never to be put up until the day after Thanksgiving. It feels somewhat rebelious to put it up before then. Like I'm breaking some unwritten rule. :0)


~Regina~ said...'s like this. I had to store some stuff up in the atic..I saw th Christmas stuff and thought to myself.........why not! So it's up! Now all I need to do is buy some wrapping paper so I can wrap all the gifts I bought after Christmas last year super cheap!!!!!

Katie and the boys said...

Hello Sarah! This is Katie Heintzelman (Wells). Don't worry! I don't have my tree up either!

Wow! How time flies. I knew you had one kid; but not two!