Sunday, February 22, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

The flowers Nathan got for me. I thought I better take a
picture, because it's so rare to get flowers from him. :-)

The heart shaped pizza I made for us. Yumm-o!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ah.. Valentines Day

I am so tired I can't hardly stand it. I was up at midnight, 3am. and 4:30am. Not to mention getting up for good at 6am! Ugh. I don't remeber Grace's teething being this difficult. I hope Katie sleeps well tonight. I bought a heart shaped pizza and plan to try to watch Fireproof with Nathan tonight... as long as there aren't any more computer battles for him to be in. :-/
Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

So much fun!

Grace and Katie have spent hours this morning
chasing each other through the tunnel.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I really need to teach her what to do when someone
says "cheese." It looks like she's growling at me.
Anyway. I think it's safe to call her "trained" now. She's
even been staying dry through the night and all of her
naps. I'm so happy to be free of pull-ups. May I never buy
another pack. :-)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'd call her Potty Trained,

but I'm sure that would come back to haunt me. She's been staying dry and clean all through her days and nights now. She even did well through Sunday School, and asked the teacher to go potty! I should've been this commited a long time ago. Perhaps I've learned my lesson and this will be easier for me with Katie. :-)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I feel like such a bad mommy sometimes...

I get so frustrated. I try to please too many people at a time and leave my kids out. Last night Nathan and I met up with Lora Crout(now Lora Allen) and Aaron Crout, and their spouses and went to eat and bowling. Grace had been doing SOOOOO well with potty training. No accidents all day yesterday, not even at the babysitter's house. Well, until last night when she was abandoned by her mommy. I feel like such an awful mom. I try to keep up with people, at least kind of, but then I'm left feeling super crappy. I'm pretty sure it's not even worth it. I had a great time last night, until I got home and found out Grace didn't. She begged me not to leave. Why not listen to her every once in a while? Hopefully this hasn't caused too big of a step back for her. And maybe in the future I'll remember this and consider my baby's feelings. :-(

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A perfect day.

Woke up at 7am and put Grace on potty. It is now 7:30 pm and she hasn't had any accidents all day long. She's has even gone #2 on the potty today! I think we may finally be getting somewhere with this one! Yay!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Potty Training

I'm trying not to give up this time. I started again with only panties with Grace yesterday. I plan to not give in this time. I can't believe I have let this go on so long. I'm so frustrated with myself. I let my job and life be my excuse to be a lazy parent. Hopefully I will soon be able to post that she has been trained. Hopefully. :-)