Thursday, March 5, 2009

Picture Time!!!

Mind you, I didn't buy all of these, but it came
with the cd, so I'm sharing my fave's!!!


~Regina~ said...

The pictures of Katie are adorable! The 3rd. on is my favorite. It reminds me of a picture taken of me when I was a little older than that. It looks like she did a good job cooperating with you. The bathtub picture and the feather boa pictures are also darling! So, which ones did you end up getting?

By the way, I love your new blog look. I have tried to change my background and can't get it to work. Maybe you can help. What am I doing wrong? How do I change my blog backgrounds?

~Regina~ said...

oops on should be one.....

MAC&SARAH04 said...

Actually the 3rd one is the one I got the most prints of. It was also my fave. I mailed you all the ones I got prints of. You should get them Monday. As for changing the background... I just went to, and followed their instructions to a "t."