Friday, January 30, 2009

Nathan's hand

Will hopefully be better soon. Apparently Urgent Care sucks, because they left a big piece of the splinter in Nathan's hand. It's been in there since last thursday! He was complaining about it hurting and swelling back up again, so we went to the dr. the morning. His Dr. sent him to a hand specialist who sent him directly to the Orthapedic and Hand Center at Southview Hospital. They did surgery on him pretty much right away. They found a 3/4" x 1/8" piece of wood still in his hand. Along with all the infection from the length of time it was there. It looks like he'll finally start getting better though. I hope. :-/ Poor guy. Like he's not going through enough already.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's so quiet here.

It's quite creepy. The kids are at mom and dad's, because I work tonight. Nathan is in Indianappolis for his physical. It is just so wierd for it to be this quiet. I don't like it at all. Maybe I'll end up making really good friends with the cat.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I want him all to myself!!! Yes, that's right. I'm feeling greedy. Nathan has been gone so much this past week. He should be prepared to be completely smothered by me next week! Lucky guy, lol. I don't know what I'm going to do when he's gone all the time. I'll probably bug the crap out of all my friends. Or maybe I'll get a hobby! :-)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Depends on your point of view...

Grace didn't pull the DVD's down.. Katie did, but
Grace offers to put them back for mommy.

Grace love building...

This is "momma and daddy" in a car. I'm still not
sure why I am in the front seat.

Katie is trying to attack the camera.

Katie looking for what else she can get into! Ugh!
(it is a cute pic, though, huh?)

Waking up from a nappy..

Lunch time!!!

Sissy came to say hi!

Nathan's new glasses :-)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The many looks of Katie

always trying her best to keep me off the computer!

Who could say no to this adorable baby?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Just another day.

I'm slowly learning not to tell Grace to say "cheese"
when I want to take a picture of her.

Katie is trying to steal me away from the computer. :-)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just a thought...

Sometimes I take a moment to check myself and realize just how childish I can be.
Saying things like...
"Because I said so!"
"I did not say I'd get that for you. I hate when you lie."
"Hey, stop that! I mean it! DON'T TOUCH ME!"
"I'm not talking to you!"
No wonder I get the silent treatment from Nathan from time to time. I deserve it. I would give him the silent treatment too! And not to mention maybe a good tongue lashing first. Where do I get the idea that it's justifiable to speak to my husband as if I'm speaking to a child? Sure I get ignored sometimes, but don't I do the same. Hmmm.. just food for thought.

Just FYI, We are getting along great. This is simply stemming from a convo I was having with a co-worker last night. I realize just how guilty I am of treating Nathan as a child. I need to be more respectful as his wife.

Monday, January 12, 2009

That is what I get for bragging...

about how well we are getting along. I got ignored tonight
all in the name of the season premier of 24!
Oh well. I got some pics of him at least! :-)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Feel like I'm cheating on my husband.

With my husband! Oh, come on, what did you think I was going to say? LOL. That was an eye- catcher of a title though, wasn't it? It's really strange, but nice, just how well we've gotten along lately. I think the kids are confused too. We just seemed to have rekindled our relationship recently, after it being seemingly dead for awhile. It's rather refreshing actually. :-)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A fun post of pictures

My father and mother in law were so kind to buy
us a digital camera for Christmas...
Here are some pictures I have taken with it. Enjoy!

When I left the room there was an oreo on a plate... hmmm

Grace's new favorite position to watch tv.

Katie is standing on her own now.

Me taking pictures of myself holding the kids..
Nathan's too busy playing computer games to snap a pic.

Evidence of Nathan at the helm...

Thank Goodness for Franklin Fire Department

We had to call them to our house New Years Day all
because some stray cat had stranded itself up in a really
high tree and couldn't get down. I don't think that it would
even try, because our new neighbors have two really loud
and obnoxious dogs that wouldn't stop barking at it. The
saddest part about the whole thing is that the cat had been
up in the tree for over a week, and we never saw it. We had
heard it meowing for days. Poor thing.

Grace is still talking about the "fire peoples" that came
to rescue "Ondabra"(her name for the cat)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yeah well

I got called in last night too! Probably just as well though. Seeing as how the Buckeyes lost to Texas. What a game though! It was down to the last 20'some seconds. At least it wasn't a blowout. I hope I will get to be home tonight. I really miss Nathan. Maybe I won't get called in tonight. One can only hope and cross fingers, right?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Where in the world has Sarah been???

I have been working myself to death! I was just getting used to being on a normal schedule again and got called into work tonight. Ugh! Don't get me wrong, I love the extra $$$ when I get my check, but I hate the lack of sleep and the lack of sleeping next to my husband. He misses it too, although he would scarcely admit to it. Hopefully I won't get called in again tomorrow night, because I go back on my reg 6 nights in a row on Thursday. Yay!