Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thank Goodness for Franklin Fire Department

We had to call them to our house New Years Day all
because some stray cat had stranded itself up in a really
high tree and couldn't get down. I don't think that it would
even try, because our new neighbors have two really loud
and obnoxious dogs that wouldn't stop barking at it. The
saddest part about the whole thing is that the cat had been
up in the tree for over a week, and we never saw it. We had
heard it meowing for days. Poor thing.

Grace is still talking about the "fire peoples" that came
to rescue "Ondabra"(her name for the cat)

1 comment:

~Regina~ said...

That's a neat picture of the fireman with the cat. Isn't it great being able to take all kinds of pictures now! I've enjoyed seeing them all on your blog tonight.